Friday, September 7, 2012
Sicko Craps in Public 6:16 PM
Many "kid-friendly" eateries out there kindly provide booster seats and high chairs to any vertically-challenged, postfetal blob-person who waddles through their door - despite the fact that they always order off-menu and never - NEVER - tip properly. Anyone who has worked as a waiter knows how deeply lame this is, yet long-suffering restaurant workers put up with it. God bless you all, restaurant workers!
Well the good staff and patrons of Thanksgiving Point Deli in Utah were in for the dry heave of a lifetime when this weirdo whips out what everyone assumed to be a standard high chair. Moments later, however, trou was dropped and the perp carried on munching on fish sticks like it was NBD. It was then that patrons realized the sickening truth: This was not a booster seat, but a portable shit box.
By the time the staff allowed reality to sink in, the baby in question had packed up and gone on its way. Is this simply the most thoughtless lame baby we've seen yet? Or does this baby have some kind of SICK OBSESSION with crapping in restaurants while others unsuspectingly dine? We can only assume the latter.
Got a lame baby to report? Email (yes, Yahoo! motherfuckers!) while we get our act together with our domain.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
SF Summer Festivals 6:23 AM
concerts babies,
outside lands 2012,